Mama’s Always on Stage

Knowledge Product

This month we’ve been getting phone calls from LOTS of pregnant women! Hmmm… wonder what they’ve been up to during quarantine? Anyways…the pressing question is WHEN should get they fitted for their NURSING Bras? ⠀

Fleur Nursing Bra

Some books tell you two weeks before delivery, others say afterwards when your milk comes in, but what do you do NOW when you’re 16 weeks and feeling more and more uncomfortable in your current bra? ⠀

Over the years we’ve developed a couple of practical solutions depending on whether you still need to leave the house to work (not as pressing in today’s climate) or if you’re just uncomfortable and a bit down and would like a simple pick me/them up. ⠀

The latter is easier and we recommend our BRALETTES that are bra-sized 28-42 D-J and clasped in back. You need support and not a stretchy elastic pullover contraption during this time. Right now we have two colors, Black and Rose, early Spring we will have even more styles and colors to choose from!⠀

Cute shorts match our ATLAS bikini, too!

If you are working outside the home and want an underwire bra, we select a style and  we do what we call, a ‘Maternity Fitting’ by having the band support you on the tightest set of hooks, with a bit of room in the cup. This way, as your pregnancy progresses you can loosen the band and fill the cup. There are certain bras in our collection that work better for this than others and you and your fitter will sort out your best options. ⠀⠀

Now on to your GORGEOUS Nursing Bra. Those are the only kind we carry. Sorry, but you have to draw the line somewhere 🙂 We suggest you buy yours the start of your final month. Your breast size is not changing now and your fitter will be able to estimate the size you’ll need post-delivery through the first three months when things settle in. Last thing you want to do is have your partner rush in while you and your newborn wait in the car after leaving the hospital – we have done this to great success, but I don’t recommend it!⠀

Cache Coeur LISA
MISS ROSE plunge

Lastly, our nursing bras are designed in Europe and made of premium components ensuring health, comfort, and ease of use. Most are around $75, so we definitely suggest getting two, unless you think you’ll have lots of time to do laundry. As a mother of three, my hunch is…uh, nah. 🤱🤰🥰

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